
Understanding the Rainbow & The Story of Joseph


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Why We Use the Rainbow:

The rainbow was given by God to Noah and his descendants (including us) after the great flood as an eternal sign of His promise to never again flood the whole earth with water. This beautiful, colorful symbol was meant to remind us and God what He had promised. The rainbow also was given at the beginning of restoration upon the earth after the destruction of the flood. And that is also what it is meant to signify to us today. However, the rainbow symbol has become synonymous in secular society with the LGBTQ movement and gay pride.

But we are taking back the rainbow.

We are taking back the rainbow for what God intended it to signify.

We have decided to use the colors of the rainbow as a very meaningful part of our message of redemption, restoration, and promise from God for all who have been through the floodwaters of destruction caused by gender confusion and injury to their sense of identity.

We understand, from experience, the roots of these ways of responding to hurts and disappointments of the past. We know the ways people can be affected, but we also know that God has provided a way of restoration and freedom to anyone who is seeking Him and His ways.

*Scripture reference to read about the story of Noah and the Rainbow Covenant of God: 

Click to read Genesis 9:12-17

Why We Use Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors:

Jacob had 12 sons, but of all his sons, Joseph was his favorite. To indicate this, Jacob gave Joseph a special gift –a “long coat of many colors.” This coat of many colors symbolized his identity in his father’s eyes. It was meant to be a blessing, but that coat, along with two prophetic dreams Joseph dreamed which signified his destiny to rule over his family, caused his brothers to deeply resent him and plot against him. Through a series of terrible and tragic events, Joseph’s coat of many colors was ripped away from him, and he was sold into slavery, living many years as a slave and then being cast into prison as the result of false accusation.

But that wasn’t the end of Joseph’s story.

And where you are right now is not the end of your story, either.

God brought Joseph out of slavery and imprisonment. He trusted God and God delivered him. God fulfilled HIS amazing dreams for Joseph. He enabled Joseph to step into his ordained destiny as Joseph prayed and listened to God’s Holy Spirit revealing truth, understanding, and interpretation of dreams. Joseph’s identity was restored to him, and he was able to live out his purpose.

Likewise there are many people, dearly loved by their Heavenly Father, who are now in a place of slavery and bondage to sin, just as Joseph was enslaved and imprisoned in Egypt. Joseph’s brothers are a symbol of Satan and his evil, destructive ways. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He steals people’s identities, kills their hope for their future, and if possible, he wants to destroy their lives –even to the point of death!

Many people have lost their true sense of identity, which comes from within, and have surrendered to a false identity from popular culture, society, and peers. They have been falsely led to believe that who God created them to be was wrong. They have become enslaved in self-loathing and shame to the point that they’ve allowed their coat of many colors, their unique identity, to be stolen away, and they have conformed themselves to the idea that, because they have not felt accepted or acceptable as they were, they must be gay, lesbian, transgender, bi-sexual, or some other identity based on sexuality. They can’t see that it was the resentful, jealous “brothers” (people and systems influenced by Satan) who were wrong about them.

Just like Joseph’s brothers, those of this ungodly culture, a tool of evil in Satan’s hands, will hate you, betray you, falsely accuse you and steal your identity and destiny if they can. They do this to those who dare to stand for and live in truth. If you believe that people should be convinced and confident in who and how God made them, as a true and unique man or woman, boy or girl, they may well designate you a hater. But God doesn’t want his children to be confused about their gender. “God is not the author of confusion,” the Bible says.

Have you experienced this? Do you know what it is like to lose your identity and take on an identity that society and popular culture has suggested and pressured you into adopting in order to find some peace? Have you been betrayed and lied about, even in your own thoughts? Do you now you find yourself in an inner place of bondage?

If so, like Joseph, you can find deliverance. You can be restored and healed. You can be restored to your father, which is what happened to Joseph.

Joseph was brought back to his original destiny. You can be, too!

God used what people and Satan meant for evil and turned it for Joseph’s good, and for the good of all the people around him in that day. This is what God can do for you, too.

Our loving Father restores.

*To read the story of Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors in the Bible, here is a link to the Bible scriptures:

Click to read Genesis 37:3

(To read the whole story of Joseph’s life from beginning to end, you can read Genesis, chapters 37-50.)

Valerie Hernandez
