


want to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus…those who want to follow Jesus, but who struggle with same sex attraction.
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First, I’d like to say Thank you for visiting our website.  

When speaking out in any way, especially when it comes to the topic of Homosexuality, most likely it is bound to offend many people and they will come against what we are trying to do. Sharing the love of Christ for the Gay Community is our intention. In today’s society, it is not acceptable to not celebrate and affirm homosexuality.

God’s love for me changed everything in my life. I am grateful for all he has done. I am motivated by love, love for God, and love for people. My own life experience motivated me to love the Gay Community.

I must be honest I did not love the Gay community when I first gave my life to Christ, I wanted to walk away and never look back. Even though it’s called the gay community I personally found nothing gay about it. I was so unhappy, frankly miserable. My relationships were at times mentally and physically abusive.

Deep down I knew that it was wrong, but in my mind, I would tell myself, “I will eventually find happiness.” It never happened, so with having that experience in my past, I wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted to stay as far away as I could I even asked God to never take me back to serve or witness to them.

But what I have discovered over time is when you truly love people, you tell them the truth, regardless of the cost or the circumstances.  God’s word say’s that Love wins and it also warns, but you speak the truth in love mercy, and compassion.

There are so many testimonies of people who once identified as gay as I did. Now I identify as a child of the living God, and I am no longer bound by what enslaved me.

I want to reach out to those who do not know Jesus and to those who follow Jesus but struggle with same-sex attraction.

This is what I pray,

People who struggle with same-sex attraction with the help of God’s grace will follow the truth wherever it leads.

People to find their true identity in God’s word.

Courage to swim against our contemporary society.

Set their minds to please God, rather than gratifying the flesh.

Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and not conform to the pattern of this world.

I found my identity in Jesus, it was not in any romantic attractions or sexual desires. I found everything I could ever want. The Lord always proved Himself in my life to be more than enough. He always gave me what I needed to live in freedom and to live a full life.

We would love for you to reach out to us so we can pray for you. We do not have all the answers, but I know someone who does, and I would really like to point you to Him Jesus Christ.

Morris Hernandez
